


AL!VE Member Welcome Webinar 3:30 PM Eastern


8/3 Volunteer Managers Hybrid Conference Informational Webinar: Managing Risk: Balancing Aversion & Innovation


VolunteerMatch: Playing by the Rules: Creating an Effective Volunteer Handbook


VolunteerMatch:Telling the Story of Volunteer Impact

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Independent Sector Releases 2023 Value of Volunteer Time

Published: 07/28/20

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The Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration is conducting a study on embracing and engaging older volunteers.

Published: 07/25/20

Using this information, MAVA will be creating a toolkit and trainings for nonprofit professionals.

Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference Accepting Individual Registrations Aug 1 in Addition to Local Host Sites

Published: 07/23/20


AL!VE Publishes Updated Database of USA Local Associations of Volunteer Engagement Professionals

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Senate Introduces The CORPS Act to Significantly Expand National Service Bipartisan Bill Aims to Engage National Service in COVID-19 Response and Recovery Over the Next Three Years

Published: 06/16/20

Power, Privilege, and Volunteerism by Sue Carter Kahl

Published: 06/22/20

As nonprofit or volunteer leaders, many times we do not speak up because we feel like we lack power in these situations. We avoid hard...

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Published: 06/22/20

Discomfort is a vital part of growth and change. Systems and structures across the nation – from law enforcement to education...


AL!VE Board of Directors Releases Statement

Published: 06/09/20

AL!VE Board President Megan Vixie shares with members a statement about racial injustice and our community.

The Ellis Archive on the Professional Leadership of Volunteers Has Launched

Published: 06/16/20

The archive primarily consists of digitized documents from Susan J. Ellis' personal resource library.

New Site Created to Compare Volunteer Management Software Programs

Published: 06/09/20

Rob Jackson, Tobi Johnson, and Beth Steinhorn serve as consultants on rating software available and give insight on their tips to getting...

2023 Theme For 20th International Volunteer Managers Day is Announced "What's Next?"


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MAVA Announces New Conference In Person Dates November 3-5

Published: 05/05/20


Energize creates COVID-19 Resource Page

Published: 03/16/20

Our thoughts are with every company and organization dealing with COVID-19 as information changes minute-to-minute. We are diligently...

Points of Light posts COVID-19 Action Plan

Published: 03/16/20

The health and safety of our team and partners is our top priority. As a global organization, we are closely monitoring the COVID-19...

Blog Post by Rob Jackson : They whys and hows of international connections in volunteer engagement leadership

Published: 07/25/20